Alerta de tendencia: medias de malla
Las medias de malla, popularizadas por la mítica actriz alemana Marlene Dietrich en su momento, son tan clásicas como las medias panty negras. Y es una de las tendencias que más me gusta de esta temporada, porque si bien es cierto que regresaron con fuerza para ser colocadas debajo de los ripped jeans, creo que nunca me verán con un par de ellos puesto, jajajaja. Así que como la moda se trata de vestir de acuerdo a tu estilo personal acá les presento mi propuesta para llevarlas, un tanto roquera pero en definitiva, con mi esencia.
Fishnet stockings, popularized by the mythical german actress Marlene Dietrich in her moment, are as classic as black pantyhose, and it´s one of the trends I adore from this season! Because they certainly returned with strenght to be worn under ripped jeans, but mantaining my personal style, you won´t see me wearing them that way, hahahaha. Thus, understanding that fashion is about dressing according to your particular mode, here you have my proposal. Perhaps some people define it as rocker chic, but there is no doubt it definitely has my essence.
Fishnet stockings, popularized by the mythical german actress Marlene Dietrich in her moment, are as classic as black pantyhose, and it´s one of the trends I adore from this season! Because they certainly returned with strenght to be worn under ripped jeans, but mantaining my personal style, you won´t see me wearing them that way, hahahaha. Thus, understanding that fashion is about dressing according to your particular mode, here you have my proposal. Perhaps some people define it as rocker chic, but there is no doubt it definitely has my essence.
El outfit está elaborado con puras piezas esenciales: el amado e indispensable vestidito negro, la chaqueta de denim y los zapatos negros de tacón. Recuerdan lo que les he dicho anteriormente, que es bueno y más sano para nuestro bolsillo llenarse de básicos e ir sumando poco a poco piezas de temporada a nuestro clóset? Pues bien, este es un claro ejemplo de como un simple accesorio -las medias- las hará lucir a la moda.
Essentials were an important key when preparing this outfit. Do you remember what I have told you before, that´s more important and healthier for our pockets to fill our wardrobes with basics, like a little black dress, a denim jacket and black heels? Well, they were part of this look where I added a simple but trendy accessory -the stockings- to make you look amazing and fashionable.
Para que se vean bien sin caer en lo vulgar, se deben utilizar unas que sean delicadas. Mientras más pequeña sea la rejilla, mejor lucirán sobre la piel. El resto de los complementos fueron varios anillos plateados, un collar impactante que hacía juego con los zarcillos y lentes de sol oscuros.
The trick to make them appear well without being vulgar is to choose a delicate pair. The smaller grid you can have, the better to be shown over your skin. The rest of the outfit were silver rings, a stunning necklace that combined with the earrings and dark sunglasses.
The trick to make them appear well without being vulgar is to choose a delicate pair. The smaller grid you can have, the better to be shown over your skin. The rest of the outfit were silver rings, a stunning necklace that combined with the earrings and dark sunglasses.
Otra idea genial es ponérselas con una buena blusa y una falda lápiz, o inclusive, con pantalones que dejen ver un poquitito de su trama en los tobillos. Crearán una intriga muy sexy! Qué me dicen? Se animan con esta tendencia?
Another great idea is to wear this type of pantyhose with a wonderful blouse and a pencil skirt, even with pants that allow to show a little bit of weave on your ankles. What a sexy curiosity you are going to create! What do you say? Would you dare to wear this trend?
Besos / Kisses,
Vestido / Dress: Gantes Couture @gantescouture
Chaqueta / Jacket: Tiendas Beco @tiendas_beco
Collar y zarcillos / Necklace and earrings: Aishop @aishopve
Botines / Boots: Hush Puppies @hushpuppiesshoes
Fotografía / Photography: Leoniberth Castillo @leoniberthcr
Alerta de tendencia: medias de malla
Reviewed by Charlotte
junio 14, 2017

Te digo que me encantó amiga ...Te queda super y te va genial este estilo. Besote
ResponderEliminarGracias, Xiomara bella! Un abrazo enorme!
ResponderEliminarAy, me encanta verte con tendencias tan arriesgadas Carlota!!! Aunque tu sabes como soy.... sabes que no me las pondría hahaha. Guapa!
Jajajaja, tú sabes cómo es, Blonde, a veces hay que salirse de la zona de confort ;) Y la verdad sea dicha: amo estas medias desde que era una adolescente. Un besote!