Bralettes: mi tendencia lencera favorita
Una vez leí que la ropa interior importa tanto como la que utilizas encima. Es la base para todo. Y en el mundo de la moda hay una tendencia que lleva más de un año rodando y de la cual tenía bastante tiempo queriendo hablarles. Quizás a algunas les parezca muy reveladora y a otras no les resulte tan cómoda, pero lo cierto es que hay una premisa que sigo y es que definitivamente en este ambiente fashionista hay que probar de todo para tomar lo que realmente nos haga sentir regias y poderosas al momento de vestir. Por eso hoy les hablaré de los bralettes.
Pero qué es un bralette?
Pero qué es un bralette?
Esta sensual prenda tiene la misma función que un brassiere, con la diferencia de que fue hecha para dejarse ver. Con su llegada dejamos atrás esos momentos incómodos donde sin querer asomábamos las tiras de nuestra lencería, porque estas bellezas están hechas de materiales muy delicados y sensuales por todos los tejidos o adornos que tienen. En encaje o satén, cortos o largos (algunos cubren parte del abdomen) y con más o menos tirantes, atrás quedó la pena, pues hay más de una manera de enseñarlo.
I read once underwear matters as much as the apparel you wear over it, because it is the base of your outfit. And there is a trend in the fashion industry that has more than one year around and I was crazy to talk about it! Maybe it is too revealing for some women and perhaps it won´t be comfortable enough for others, but the truth is I follow a premise that says you must try everything in this fashonable world, to be sure about your taste and take whatever makes you feel regal and powerful. That´s why today topic is about bralettes.
But, what is a bralette?
This sexy piece has the same function as a brassiere, with the difference it was designed to be seen. With its arrival we can leave behind all those uneasy moments where, without realizing it, we showed off the braces of our lingerie, because these beauties were built with very delicate and sensual materials because of their textures and ornaments. In lace or sateen, shorter or longer (some of them cover part of the abdomen) and with more or less straps, pity can be fogotten, since there is more than one way to exhibit them.
I read once underwear matters as much as the apparel you wear over it, because it is the base of your outfit. And there is a trend in the fashion industry that has more than one year around and I was crazy to talk about it! Maybe it is too revealing for some women and perhaps it won´t be comfortable enough for others, but the truth is I follow a premise that says you must try everything in this fashonable world, to be sure about your taste and take whatever makes you feel regal and powerful. That´s why today topic is about bralettes.
But, what is a bralette?
This sexy piece has the same function as a brassiere, with the difference it was designed to be seen. With its arrival we can leave behind all those uneasy moments where, without realizing it, we showed off the braces of our lingerie, because these beauties were built with very delicate and sensual materials because of their textures and ornaments. In lace or sateen, shorter or longer (some of them cover part of the abdomen) and with more or less straps, pity can be fogotten, since there is more than one way to exhibit them.
Las más osadas lo llevan superpuestos sobre franelas blancas, dejándolos completamente a la vista, pero particularmente me siento mas relajada y sexy enseñando solo un poquito, pues pienso que la imaginación puede más. Hay quienes los usan como un top acompañado de una maxifalda: créanme, se ve exquisito! Pero hay otras chicas que prefieren llevarlo como un accesorio revelando una pequeña parte y no como la prenda principal que cubra el torso.
The most daring women use them over white t-shirts, letting them completely exposed, but I feel particularly more relaxed and sexy showing just a little bit, due to the fact that imagination is more important. Some girls wear bralettes just as a top joined by a maxiskirt. Believe me: it looks fantastic! But others prefer them as an accessory, disclosing a tiny part underneath the clothes and not as the main coverage of the torso.
The most daring women use them over white t-shirts, letting them completely exposed, but I feel particularly more relaxed and sexy showing just a little bit, due to the fact that imagination is more important. Some girls wear bralettes just as a top joined by a maxiskirt. Believe me: it looks fantastic! But others prefer them as an accessory, disclosing a tiny part underneath the clothes and not as the main coverage of the torso.
Así es la propuesta de hoy: sencilla pero contundente. Un vestido largo camisero con botones que puedo abrir a mi gusto, botines, el bralette y voilá! Lista para conquistar el mundo! Quiénes se vienen conmigo?
This is the proposal for this week: simple but forceful. A long shirtwaist with buttons that I can open according to the occasion, boots, the bralette and voilá! I´m ready to conquer the world! Who is going to join me?
This is the proposal for this week: simple but forceful. A long shirtwaist with buttons that I can open according to the occasion, boots, the bralette and voilá! I´m ready to conquer the world! Who is going to join me?
Besos / Kisses,
Vestido camisero / Shirtwaist: Gantes Couture @gantescouture
Zarcillos / Earrings: Somos BH @somosbh
Zarcillos / Earrings: Somos BH @somosbh
Botines / Boots: Hush Puppies @hushpuppiesshoes
Maquillaje, peinado y fotografía / Makeup, hairstyle and photography: Gantestudio @gantestudio
Bralettes: mi tendencia lencera favorita
Reviewed by Charlotte
agosto 06, 2017
Bellísimas estas fotos Charlotte. El bralette perfecto, pero ese vestido no se queda atrás.
ResponderEliminarUn abrazote.
Gracias, Michi! La verdad es que todo lo de Gantes Couture es una belleza. Me alegra que te haya gustado todo! Un besote!
ResponderEliminars grandes no necesariamente implica que te vas a cubrir todo el cuerpo. Ser sensual se lleva en la actitud, y la seguridad es parte fundamental de este proceso. Por eso, si quieres aprender a lucir tus curvas, aquí te daremos algunos tips de cómo llevar un buen bikini triangulo