¿Cómo lucir joven y fresca?
Estoy muy orgullosa de la edad que tengo, pues la experiencia y vivencias que tengo no las cambio por nada! Pero vamos a estar claras: después de pisar la década de los 40 uno quiere verse siempre más joven, ¿verdad que sí?
I feel very proud about my age due to the experience and life lessons I have learned so far! But let´s be honest: when we arrive to the forties -and also cross them-, each one of us always want to look younger, right?
I feel very proud about my age due to the experience and life lessons I have learned so far! But let´s be honest: when we arrive to the forties -and also cross them-, each one of us always want to look younger, right?
Una vez escuché decir a Daniela Kosán que después de cierta edad la belleza no importa tanto como la juventud y eso me causó demasiada risa! Aún me faltaban tres años para llegar al cuarto piso cuando la ví en una entrevista de televisión, pero creo que independientemente de como nos sintamos y aprovechando la frase de esta famosa animadora venezolana, así como la comodidad que esta cuarentena nos ha traído al momento de salir o trabajar desde casa, les dejo entonces cinco tips para lucir más jóvenes y frescas sin morir en el intento!
1) Lleva colores vivos y alegres, así sumarás un montón de puntos a tu outfit!
2) Utiliza complementos juveniles: un morral, zapatos deportivos (estos doble piso siguen siendo muy chic) y accesorios delgados (cadenitas, zarcillos, anillos, pulseras). Créanme: no fallan!
I watched Daniela Kosan in a tv interview once and there she said, after certain age beauty didn´t matter as much as youth and that made me laugh a lot! I remember I was 37 by that time, but independently the way we feel and having the expression that venezuelan host left in my mind, plus considering the fact that being comfortable during quarantine is a must if we need to go out or work at home, here you can find five tips to look fresh:
1) Wear bright colors. This sums countless points to an outfit!
2) Add youthful accessories: a backpack, sport shoes and light jewelry. Trust me: they work great when you put them together!
I watched Daniela Kosan in a tv interview once and there she said, after certain age beauty didn´t matter as much as youth and that made me laugh a lot! I remember I was 37 by that time, but independently the way we feel and having the expression that venezuelan host left in my mind, plus considering the fact that being comfortable during quarantine is a must if we need to go out or work at home, here you can find five tips to look fresh:
1) Wear bright colors. This sums countless points to an outfit!
2) Add youthful accessories: a backpack, sport shoes and light jewelry. Trust me: they work great when you put them together!
3) Busca tu talla ideal, esa que se adapte perfectamente a tu cuerpo. Los excesos de tela y también el extremo opuesto (llevar las prendas muy ajustadas) deslucen la silueta. En este caso, la aceptación es clave.
3) Find your real size, the one that perfectly adheres to your body. Fabric excess and its opposite (very tight clothes) sometimes fade the silhouette. Accepting your true and beautiful shape is an important key in this stage.
4) Choose discreet and feminine prints. For petite women, tiny patterns are ideal.
5) Usar pantalones o faldas unicolores con franelas gráficas le dan al estilismo un toque más moderno.
Y el bono: llevar un maquillaje suave y natural es esencial para brindarle frescura al rostro.
5) One-color pants or skirts combined with graphic t-shirts give a modern touch to your style.
And a bonus: natural and soft makeup is essential to give a juvenile appearance to your face.
5) One-color pants or skirts combined with graphic t-shirts give a modern touch to your style.
And a bonus: natural and soft makeup is essential to give a juvenile appearance to your face.
Es cierto que la actitud y el ejercicio físico ayudan a mantenernos ágiles y activas, pero la manera de vestir también contribuye mucho! ¿Concuerdan conmigo?
It is true that attitude and doing some physical exercises help us to be agile and active, but the way we dress contributes too! Do you agree with me?
It is true that attitude and doing some physical exercises help us to be agile and active, but the way we dress contributes too! Do you agree with me?
Besos / Kisses,
Franela / T-shirt: Atelier Victoria Vega @ateliervictoriavega
Pantalón / Pants: María Sánchez @couturemaria
Zapatos / Shoes: Lucinda Fashion Brand @lucindashoes
Morral / Bakcpack: By Patricia Bello @bypatriciabello
Choker: Agualuna @agualuna.ve
Fotografía / Photography: Red Castle Studios @rcsstudios
Mi agradecimiento especial para todos los diseñadores que hicieron posible estas imágenes. Todas las piezas que luzco son hechas en Venezuela y eso me enorgullece. Se les quiere un montón!
Thanks to the designers who made possible this post. All the pieces I worn for this outfit were done in Venezuela and that makes me feel proud! I love you!
Thanks to the designers who made possible this post. All the pieces I worn for this outfit were done in Venezuela and that makes me feel proud! I love you!
¿Cómo lucir joven y fresca?
Reviewed by Charlotte
julio 22, 2020
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