Galería 6016: puro talento anzoatiguense
No podía acabarse Marzo sin que les hablara de un fabuloso evento de moda al que asistí como invitada especial el 15 de Febrero pasado en Lechería: Galería 6016, una ventana donde se destacó el talento de cinco maquilladoras profesionales y se expuso lo mejor de tres firmas de diseño anzoatiguense: Gantes Couture, OLinda Dreams y Bling Bling Swim. Todas dirigidas al público femenino pero cada una con una propuesta particular, pues la primera se enfoca en vestimenta "ready to wear" desde un punto de vista coquetísimo y favorecedor para el cuerpo femenino; la segunda especializada en prendas de dormir -increíblemente delicadas y seductoras- y la tercera perfecta para esta zona costera, porque se dedica a la confección de trajes de baño con diseños muy en tendencia.
March couldn´t finish without telling you about an event I had the pleasure to assist as a special guest on February 15 in Lechería: Galería 6016, a window where five professional makeup artists were present and three wonderful venezuelan design brands showed their best proposals: Gantes Couture, OLinda Dreams and Bling Bling Swim. They are focused on women but each one has a particular point of view, due to the fact that the first one explodes in a really flattering way the female body; the second one is specialized on delicate and seductive sleepwear and the last one is perfect for our coastal area, because it creates swimwear with trendy designs.
March couldn´t finish without telling you about an event I had the pleasure to assist as a special guest on February 15 in Lechería: Galería 6016, a window where five professional makeup artists were present and three wonderful venezuelan design brands showed their best proposals: Gantes Couture, OLinda Dreams and Bling Bling Swim. They are focused on women but each one has a particular point of view, due to the fact that the first one explodes in a really flattering way the female body; the second one is specialized on delicate and seductive sleepwear and the last one is perfect for our coastal area, because it creates swimwear with trendy designs.
Gantes Couture es una firma creada por María de los Angeles Gantes en Junio de 2016 y se caracteriza por tener un estilo elegante, sofisticado, cómodo y versátil. Sus prendas son holgadas y con movimiento, pensadas para mujeres reales porque se adaptan a cualquier tipo de cuerpo, además de que manejan todas las tallas, desde la "s" hasta la "plus size". El crecimiento que ha tenido esta marca ha sido rápido, bien pensado e impecable, logrando tener hoy en día un nivel de ejecución y producción de primera. En las fotografías entenderán por qué me encantan los modelos de Gantes: son puro amor!
Gantes Couture is a brand created by Maria de los Angeles Gantes on June 2016 and its style is sofisticated, elegant, comfortable and versatile. Its pieces, loose and with a lot of movement, are thought for real women because they can be adapted to any type of body. Besides, you can find all the possible sizes existing in the market. The development this brand has had, has been fast and impecable, achieving a great level of execution and production. Through the photos you will understand why I love Gantes so much!
OLinda Dreams está bajo las riendas de María Alejandra Figueredo y su mamá! Ambas presentan un tributo a la mujer venezolana porque se dedican a tenernos regias inclusive al momento de ir a dormir. Sus telas son exquisitas, suaves y delicadas. Con encaje y charmouse de seda elaboran dormilonas, pijamas con pantalones largos y cortos, bragas, shorts y kimonos. Ambas vienen trabajando con esmero desde Abril del 2016 y en este desfile mezclaron elementos de su primera colección "Animal dreams" y de la segunda colección que sacaron con motivo del Día de los enamorados. Ya verán lo difícil que resulta decidirse entre tantas prendas bellas!
OLinda Dreams is under Maria Alejandra Figueredo´s control (and her mother too)! Both give a tribute to venezuelan women because with their creations we can go to sleep like true queens: sumptuos and magnificient. Their fabrics are exquisite, soft and delicate. Lace and silk are used to elaborate pajamas, shorts and kimonos, among others. They have been working together since April 2016 and for this runway they mixed elements belonging to its first collection "Animal dreams" and took a few from the second one, released for Valentine´s Day. It´s difficult to choose just one outfit when they present a bunch of beautiful options to go to bed!
OLinda Dreams is under Maria Alejandra Figueredo´s control (and her mother too)! Both give a tribute to venezuelan women because with their creations we can go to sleep like true queens: sumptuos and magnificient. Their fabrics are exquisite, soft and delicate. Lace and silk are used to elaborate pajamas, shorts and kimonos, among others. They have been working together since April 2016 and for this runway they mixed elements belonging to its first collection "Animal dreams" and took a few from the second one, released for Valentine´s Day. It´s difficult to choose just one outfit when they present a bunch of beautiful options to go to bed!
Ya para cerrar, con Bling Bling Swim Gabriela de Guglielmo va más allá de los tradicionales bikinis, destacándose con modelos off shoulders con vuelos, los magníficos enterizos -recuerden que también los podemos llevar como bodies en una salida casual- que tienen la medida justa para mostrar sin revelar demasiado, mezclando transparencias con telas metalizadas o agregándoles mensajes divertidos en el torso. Algo que me agrada de Bling Bling es que los caballeros también tienen bermudas playeras!
Gabriela de Guglielmo, designer of Bling Bling Swim, goes beyond the traditional bikinis, presenting off shoulders swimsuits with ruffles, wonderful bodysuits with the necessary measurement to exhibit the right amount of skin, blending metallic and see-through fabrics or adding funny messages over the torso. Something I like about Bling Bling is gentlemen also have bermuda shorts!
Gabriela de Guglielmo, designer of Bling Bling Swim, goes beyond the traditional bikinis, presenting off shoulders swimsuits with ruffles, wonderful bodysuits with the necessary measurement to exhibit the right amount of skin, blending metallic and see-through fabrics or adding funny messages over the torso. Something I like about Bling Bling is gentlemen also have bermuda shorts!
El evento estuvo repleto de pasapalos, bebidas y cargado de buena vibra. El ambiente que se respiraba era muy agradable. Estuvo animado por la bella Gaby Gómez Serritielo, amenizado musicalmente por Gerald Saxo y lleno de reconocidas personalidades como la locutora Adriana Boscán, la modelo y presentadora Rosireé Platias y el multifacético Gerardo Mudarra, quien dio cobertura para el canal de televisión local Anzoátegui Televisión y con quien tuve el gusto de conversar un rato para su programa.
It was a pleasure for me to talk to all the audience about the last trends in fashion of our venezuelan market and also about the excellent job these female entrepreneurs have reached with their designs in a really short time!
The event was full of appetizers, drinks and had a delightful environment. It was hosted by the pretty Gaby Gómez Serritielo, enliven by Gerald Saxo and crowded with famous personalities like the announcer Adriana Boscán, the model Rosireé Platias and the multifaceted Gerardo Mudarra, who covered everything for the tv channel Anzoátegui Televisión. It was pleasant to talk with him for a while for his tv show En Boga.
Yo me sentí orgullosa de estar entre tanta gente talentosa de este estado y de pasarla genial! Esperamos que se repita pronto una nueva edición!
I was proud of being surrounded by many talented people from Anzoátegui! I wish to repeat it soon!
I was proud of being surrounded by many talented people from Anzoátegui! I wish to repeat it soon!
Besos / Kisses,
Gantes Couture @gantescouture
OLinda Dreams @olinda_dreams
Bling Bling Swim @blingblingswim_
Galería 6016 @galería6016
Galería 6016 @galería6016
Galería 6016: puro talento anzoatiguense
Reviewed by Charlotte
marzo 31, 2017
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